About Me

My photo
Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

College Decision

I want to start off this post by saying that I didn't make this decision in haste, but I actually did think, pray a lot, and weighed all the negatives and positives of both options.
When I went down to PCC for my brother's graduation, I really was willing to go back to PCC if that was what God wanted for me. I talked to a couple of people when I was down there and they said they might be able to get me a job in the communications department and/or give me my scholarship back. Anyway, to make a long story short, God really did shut the door there. The college said they may not have a job for me in the communications department and they would not give me my scholarship back. I counted the cost. so I work another two years to make it through college. graduate with a degree. broke. . . In the end, people are looking for experience anyway? What did I gain? What really matters? When you die, it isn't going to matter how rich you were or how high your education was. The only thing that is going to matter is how much of any impact you made on people's lives. Don't misunderstand me. I believe in making the most of your skills and talents that God has given you; but I really believe for me, there are more productive ways.
I have to throw this out there too, because this was part of my decision making process. I'm not really interested in a career, because eventually I want to get married and raise a family. I don't see the point on spending my money pursuing a career, when I can be using my talents for God right now.
So. . . right now. I'm looking into some different opportunities. I'll continue to pursue sign language and piano, which usually opens up doors. I'm e-mailing a couple of different Christian radio stations in Alaska where you can volunteer for a certain amount of time and gain hands on experience. I'm also looking at furthering my filming skills either by buying a camera or going to some Christian film festivals.
I'm thrilled to see what doors God opens. I'll keep you all posted.

Monday, June 7, 2010

been a while. . .

Wow, I just realized it's been forever since I posted. The last couple of months have been a blur, but definitely a good kind of blur. I kept promising that I would post pictures and stories from the trip so here they are. Well some of them anyway. I actually took over 1,300 pictures. deleted about 300. so it would take forever to show even a glimpse of them. On top of that my hard drive is giving me issues. My computer won't recognize it over half of the time. Technical difficulties--got to love them. I think last time I posted about the trip, we were leaving Wisconsin. I drove through Chicago. It was really exciting. I actually get thrills out of driving through big cities. David was my co-pilot. . . scary I know. . . That night we stayed in. . I don't remember where. think it was on the Kentucky border. All of us in one hotel. Not sure how we pulled that off. That hotel room was so full. The next day we arrived at PCC. PCC is great as a visitor I must say. . . and the sunset on the non-oil filled beach was great! Josiah joined us via airplane that day and David got lost trying to find the airport and blamed his directional-challengism on me. The rest of the trip we had the car and the van. Not sure why I chose to stay in the car because it doesn't have AC, but it was definitely the car of fun. We picked up Elise (my wild friend from AZ) to join us for the rest of the trip. We left right after graduation (after Luke got his room cleaned up that is and we got all of the stuff stuffed in the car). Our first stop was Austin (11 people in that hotel room). and we got lost finding it. . about two in the morning. I was throwing sunflower seeds out of the window and a cop. . well he stopped us, claimed my brother was making "too abrupt a stop." I think he was just suspicious of that. Got that token care of and we found the hotel. I slept on the floor and got stomped by people all night, but it was only a few hours. Texas is a gigantic state for those of you who haven't been to it. 800 miles just to get across the thing. We arrived at my friend Elise's house in AZ about 2:00 am. I was thoroughly exhausted and a shower felt pretty amazing after being crammed in that car. That was the last shower I would take in a week. actually the last shower that 5 of us would take. David stunk the worst tho. From there, the rest of my family left for home and David (got payed 60 dollars by the parent's to be our guide/slave), me, Ruth, Bethany, and Elise stayed 5 extra days goofing off in the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park. I was supposed to hike the Grand Canyon, but we weren't quite prepared. . . well we weren't prepared at all and it was probably a good thing that we didn't do it. We camped out two nights at the Grand Canyon and froze like crazy. I didn't realize that it was so cold in the desert. Well I did, but once again, not exactly prepared. We lit a fire that went all night and slept around it. beautiful stars out at night. The Grand Canyon is so wild. For those of you who haven't been there, you are missing out. We hiked the "Hermit's Trail" and besides the whole canyon being alerted about us not bringing enough water (which we had enough), it was a fairly peaceful hike. Definitely some nice drop offs.
Elise's parents joined us at Zion. . and they are awesome, btw. We were so hungry. . they brought us food. . . and we they had a pop-up camper for us to sleep in. The next few days we spent hiking like crazy. I thought that my legs would fall off. We hiked a 2,000 foot elevation change in 1.5 hours. and the best hike of all-"Angel's Landing" (800 foot drops on the one side and 1200 foot drops on the other with a rope to hang on to). Google it. It is a must do. I went swimming in this very, very cold cavern. Almost as cold as the polar plunge. and cliff jumping. Cliff jumping was great. It looked like heaven on earth. The final bang was the last day drive home. 23 hours in one day. David locked himself out of the car. hahaha. I laughed so hard. Towards the end of that day, me and David were switching off and on driving and drinking coffee.
Well, that was the trip. It was better than I could have even imagined. I was just in awe of God the whole time and how amazing he was. I've only seen a tip of the iceberg when it comes to His creation and to think that He's interested in our lives.

The link to the photos: