About Me

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Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ruth - Maternity Pics

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A little blast from the past....A letter my Grandpa wrote to my Grandma from the Phillipines while he was fighting in World War II. . . February 5th 1945. The interpretation is below as it can be a little difficult to read. So much sweetness here.

Feb 5-1945

Dearest Sweetheart,
            Hi-Annie, recieved your lovely letter dated Jan 4, and gee[,] Honey, really was swell hearing from you again. I know that my mail don't come through as it should, as if + when I do get all of my back mail, why[,] it will be impossible to answer it all, as I only heard once from home, + twice from you[,] Darling. Gosh[,] Ann, person really does appreciate a letter alot (illegible) here at the front lines, being I have [a] few minutes I try awful hard to write an interesting letter for [a] change, ha. ha. and as it seems[,] Honey[,] that is almost impossible.
            So[,] you recieved some of my letters I wrote aboard ship, according to your letter[,] Honey. If it was a short one, ha. as that is about all the time person had, and also to[o] uncomfortable aboard ship to do any writing, [I] will tell you all about it someday in the near future.
            Gee[,] Honey, that dream you had about me, really was [a] good one[.] I certainly do hope that it will never come true[,] Sugar, as if I were home on a furlough + and week done passed and I didn't come to see you, why[,] there must be something wrong with me somewhere. I'd like to see the person that will stop me from seeing you, I'd even walk all the way out to your place, and as for me working at the store, well[,] Darling[,] not me, because I am going to take life easy whenever I am on a furlough, no work whatsoever[,] Honey, and as for the other part of your dream, well really don't know what to say[,] ha[.]
            Certainly is swell to hear that you are still in best of health as yet honey, and as for myself[,] I really can't complain about my health, and as for taking it rather easy these days? Annie, that is a question that remains unanswered.
            So, you do attend a dance now and then[?] Gosh[,] Honey[,] am glad to hear it, and do hope you do enjoy yourself, and perhaps in the near future I will be able to take you to a dance myself.
            Say[,] if you ever happen to see Frank Malson again, or have got his address, send it to me[,] please[.] I'll kindly surprise him with a few lines, + also give him my best regards, if you see him.
             Say[,] Annie, did you ever recieve that xmas present from me, that Alma sent to you from me, as you haven't mentioned it as yet in your letters, I certainly do hope so.
            Well[,] Darling[,] as for excitement around here, Is about the same as usual, really nothing to worry about to speak of. Although it is impossible to give you facts about what takes place here at the front lines, but it certainly is pretty hot at times and gosh[,] plenty of fleas too, hardly seems possible, that there would be so many fleas at one place[,] but the Japs were rather dirty and that is the reason for it, but they are checking it though now, so it won't be so bad later on, and as for meals, are getting hot meals now, as it is possible now for them to bring it to us, and really is a treat for a  person, but as for sleeping, the good old mother earth is my bed. It has been over two months now since I had my cloths off to sleep, although that don't mean I am still wearing the seem pair[,] Honey[,] ha[,] ha[,] oh[,] yes, we do wash them whenever possible + also get new cloths, throw the old ones away. Is quite an adventure for me, if + when I am home I can tell you story after story [about] what took place here, but at times though, [a] person's nerves really are bad, this so called battle nerves gets [a] person at times, especially  some guys, as for myself[,] doesn't bother me.
            I suppose you are following the news pretty close on this operation here, and I guess it won't be long, and the operation will be closed, and then I am going to (illegible) out this rotation as person don't receive any information person could believe, but what person does hear, + if it is true, (illegible) it really does sound good. + I imagine, you'll have to reserve that date for me, Honey, 4th [of] July date[,] eh? So[,] you keep your fingers crossed[,] Darling, and I'll be seeing you in the near future.
            I really must close now, Annie, and please do let me hear from you again real soon, + oh[,] yes[,] and what is (illegible) address, + how (illegible) (illegible) like the Army, by now[?] So[,] good-night, and sweet dreams to you Sweetheart.
                                                 all my love + kisses
                                 P.S also my best regards to your folks.
                                                                          x x x x x  

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Just launched an Etsy shop for my photographs! Check it out!