About Me

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Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Elliot & Me

Meet my boyfriend. . . .Elliot. :)

I thought I'd give you all the extended version of how Elliot and me met and fell in love. . .

I'm going to start in about 1998, 1999, sometime around then. . . It's all pretty foggy. . I was close to 8 years old. Elliot and I used to go to church together. All that I really remember about him then was what I remember about all boys that age. I love to make fun of him and do recall calling him Alien on more than one occasion and making fun of his ears (btw, Elliot I think now that your ears just great :)) Rumor has it I used to beat Elliot up, but he doesn't remember any of it. .

Enough of that. .

The church split sometime around 2000 and I didn't see anything of Elliot after that and didn't think anything of him either. .

Until. . .

Almost exactly 1 year ago. I "happened" to be browsing on my friend's (Naomi Holter) facebook wall. I don't believe in "happen-stance," but I believe God has a plan. I thought, "why not?" and added him as a friend. . .I was slightly surprised when he added me too and browsed his profile. I thought it was cool that he liked Alaska.

Elliot commented on a few status updates of mine and chatted with me once on facebook. . I still didn't find it strange or didn't waste time thinking about it. .

It all changed the day Elliot posted an extremely cheesy pick up line on one of my facebook status'. I had just gotten a cell phone and posted on my facebook, "let me know if you want my number, and I'll message it to you." Mostly because I did not want my number on facebook for all to see. . . Elliot replied, "I lost my number can I have yours." I was totally confused and kind of concerned that someone could actually their number, but my brothers enlightened me (as they do a lot).

So. . I thought. . why not? and I messaged them all, including Elliot, my number. A couple of weeks went by without hearing anything from Elliot. .

I was casually mentioning it to my friend Aimee one night and we were on Facebook. She was like, "well. . I'll talk to him." I was trying to restrain her from doing such a ridiculous thing and told her that she'd probably scare him off forever. . . Well, she didn't. He was slightly disturbed to be contacted by a random stranger, but he sent me a text that night, "I lost my number. . can I have yours?" and some other texts too, but nothing major.

"So I'm a very blunt individual most of the time and if I want to know something I just ask, sooo, I wanted to ask about us talking with each other and make sure that this is only just as friends and nothing more." . . This was part of his message sent January. . .At this point I honestly can tell you I didn't really care about relationships. . It seemed like they never ended well so what was the point in putting energy and time into them, so I didn't think about it a whole lot.

We continued to text and talk for a few more months and quickly realized that we had a lot in common. Our second phone conversation was 1.5 hours long (now I would consider this short :P).

To make a long story relatively short. . Elliot suggested meeting up in Spokane for "lunch.". . . I must say I was slightly nervous. I brought a couple of friends with me mostly for company along the road trip.
My time with Elliot in Spokane was great!!! We really hit it off and I knew after that that I was definitely interested in being more than just friends.

Elliot called me the next day and told me that his was interested in being more than friends. We both agreed he would need to meet the family first and ask my dad to officially start dating. . .

The next couple of months before his visit went incredibly slow and I couldn't wait to see him again. . . Hours and hours on the phone. . I remember one bill reflecting 1000 hours in 2 weeks.

Elliot's visit the end of September was absolutely amazing--bear hunting, getting lost in the woods, talking into the wee hours of the morning, fishing. There are no words to describe it. . . all I can come up with is I love you Elliot!!! :)


  1. You were more than slightly nervous in Spokane (as reflected in your driving) I'm pretty sure we nearly died, or got lost forever! lol But it was a fun trip! Nice picts btw :D


  2. I had a hand in this?! That's awesome. :D So happy for you guys.

  3. Aww thanks guys! Lauren. . you know how my driving is. I honestly wasn't nervous. We nearly ran out of gas. . but you know.
    Yes Naomi, isn't that cool?
