About Me

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Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Camping in the winter. .. .

We talked about it for a while, but finally did it. Camping in the winter. I must tell you it is a great experience. We arrived at our campsite. . . well, we barely arrived at our campsite (Aimee's car Sport doesn't like even small hills). The first thing we did when we arrived was decide that we would not need a tent. The stars were too beautiful to NOT sleep under. God's creation is amazing. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." Psalm 19:1-2. The spot was perfect. A whole reservoir all to ourselves.

It was cold. So cold. There was about nothing you could do to warm up. We made some coffee, with hot chocolate. We didn't have a strainer so we just drank the grounds. It wasn't too bad until the coals from the fire fell into it.
I decided that my sleeping bag was not built for winter camping. I tossed and turned all night. I shoved a wool blanket into my sleeping bag. That helped quite a bit. I woke up to find everything frozen (no water). Poor Sobe.

When we woke up in the morning. We tried to start a fire. It failed the first time, but slowly but surely it worked. Warm food tasted SO good. We packed up our disastrous mess and finished off the camping with a beautiful ride up to West Glacier.

I hope you all are having a great winter and taking time to enjoy it!! Winter is way too short. . .


  1. You are nuts....seriously nuts!!! What if you froze to death overnight? I love winter, but I love it because I can stay inside....but I am not a big camper even in the summer!

  2. after reading the first few sentences, i had already made up my mind that my comment was going to be something like, "you guys are craaaaazy", but i see you've already been told that, so i won't push it lol=P still, wow, even though i know i could never do that, i envy you guys the experience!
