About Me

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Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Twenty Ten :)

I don't even know how to start beginning to tell you how amazing this past year has been. I got a new church, a new sister-in-law, a new job, a new guitar, a new everything. It has been SO blessed by God.
So the beginning of this year I actually was on a train with little Zubby and we stayed up all, well most of the night playing cards with people I didn't even really know and playing the hang drums. It was a great trip visiting my Aunt and eating lots of really good Wisconsin food.
When I arrived back home from that trip, I randomly decided to walk into KALS and apply. As I know by now, nothing is really random though and God has a plan for everything. They told me that they needed someone to fill in for a live church service on Sunday. That's how I started just a few hours on Sunday. We'll come back to this story later.
Around the first of the year we started going to Gospel Light Baptist Church. I am so sure that God led me there. He has also led many of my friends there and many Deaf people. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of the Deaf ministry there.
The very beginning of the year Josiah (my oldest brother) got engaged to Emily Stafford. The spring was spent wedding planning, wedding planning, and more wedding planning. I really like wedding planning though. Hopefully another one of these siblings decides to get married soon so I can help with another wedding. I took Josiah and Emily's engagement photos with Twilight (my camera, nothing to do with the movie) and also designed their wedding invitations with Photoshop. I have since taken 13,000 pictures. You can see the 101 Best Photos of 2010 from this link. You don't have to be a member of FB, btw.
So, where was I at. . .March, April, and May were all spent working at Super 1 City Center in the Produce Department, managing the Pro-Life Website, and some graphic design work here and there. I did go swimming in March which was pretty fun. I even convinced Emily to jump in with me.
Oh May, there was that trip. Where on earth do I start? Somewhere between being crammed in a hotel room with 11 other people, not showering for way too long, hiking some pretty insane stuff, driving across Texas with no AC in a metal car, I decided that road trips are pretty much awesome! I truly hope to return to the Grand Canyon and hike all the way to the bottom of it.
You can read more about that trip here:
June, I went to the Bible Conference in Dillon. Absolutely one of the best weeks of my entire life!!! I don't even know where to start! I've been to a lot of different Bible camps, retreats, ect.; but truly the one in Dillon was like nothing I've ever seen before. I really prayed for God to use me and He gave me more opportunities then I could ever imagine.
Sometime in June I went to the music conference in Malta. Really fun Southern Gospel with almost a Country Gospel flair to it. Definitely the best genre of music.
July 31st. Josiah and Emily got married. They had an absolutely beautiful wedding at Gospel Light Baptist Church and a reception to follow at the Cowboy Church. All of us girls wore cowboy boots (kind of a country style). There are a few pictures of that in my 101 photos of the year album. I'm also overjoyed to announce that Emily is expecting a child in May of 2011. We are all very excited. I'm going to be an aunt!!!
In August, I started working at the radio station part time and have since just been given tons of opportunities to do a lot of different kinds of work there. From office work, to traffic, to special events, to production--I absolutely love it all. I'm so blessed to have the most amazing co-workers on the planet!!!
In September, I quit Super 1 and started teaching piano. I'm really glad for that change.
With the fall came hunting season. Oh boy was that an adventure as always! For those of you who don't know, my family is big time into hunting. The boys went East opening day and shot close to a dozen deer. Hunting around here was not as I had hoped. . .so I figured I'd go East. . . well yeah. The trip didn't turn out as I'd expected, but I had a blast. The full story is right here. Poor Beatle, she worked so hard and still never got a cow elk.

And then there's December. I've had an absolutely blessed Christmas, not just the day; but the whole month. Christmas I spent with the family watching movies (Defiance is a really nice movie, btw), eating some pretty yummy food, and hanging out with the family (which is never, ever dull).
Well, that's the year. . .and there is so much more. . looking back on it, I'm just in awe of God and who He is.
I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store!! :)

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