About Me

My photo
Montana, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I kind of ramble and try to say something of use every now and again. A little bit about myself. I'm a Christian. God is the most important thing to me. I believe in His son Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in Montana. I count my blessings. Growing up in a family of 10, milking goats, plowing gardens, hiking mountains. .. good times I like broadcasting (currently I work at a radio station). I'm interested in photography, sign language, music (I play piano and guitar), film-making, and crazy adventures. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


so. . I pretty much stole this off of one of my friend's blogs and I'm going to try this challenge and hopefully succeed. My life has been insane lately, but a good kind of insane. I love being busy. My brother got married yesterday in an absolutely amazing ceremony. They are the cutest couple. I should probably get on with the challenge before I start talking of all the wedding frills. Stories and picts to follow soon though.

A favorite song. . .

Somewhere over the Rainbow by Israel. It's gorgeous and the guitar work is super cool. Well, that's all she wrote till tomorrow.

Day 1: A favorite song
Day 2: A favorite movie
Day 3: A favorite book
Day 4: A favorite television program
Day 5: A favorite quote
Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive
Day 7: Five things you couldn't possibly live without
Day 8: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life
Day 9: A photo you took
Day 10: A photo of you taken over 10 years ago
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently
Day 12: A song you want played at your wedding (or was played)
Day 13: A guilty pleasure
Day 14: A vacation you would like to take
Day 15: A person you admire
Day 16: A song that makes you cry
Day 17: An art piece
Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: Something you know you do differently then most people
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered
Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love
Day 25: A recipe
Day 26: A childhood memory
Day 27: A physical feature you love
Day 28: A scar you have and it's story
Day 29: Hopes, dreams, and plans you have for the next 365 days
Day 30: A motto or philosophy

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